Will planted a garden about eight weeks ago in the corner of our backyard and it's amazing how it has taken off. He's growing tomatoes, squash, zuchini, green peppers, and banana peppers. He also planted severeal herbs such as basil, rosemary and mint. Last night Will cooked a wonderful meal using many things from our garden. First, he used the basil leaves to make a pesto sauce to marinate the lamb chops. Then, he made a zuchini squash casserole with chopped up banana peppers in it to heat it up a bit. Finally, he used the mint leaves to make a mint syrup which he poured over a fruit salad. Everything was YUMMY!
Sydney went to the doctor yesterday for her two month visit. We can't believe how fast time is flying by. She weighed 9lbs 15oz and is 21 inches long. She is on track to being a little chunky monkey just like her sister!
For months, whenever Emerson wakes up in the morning and you ask her if she had a dream she says she had a dream about a red bike. Just when we decided that we would get her a red bike for her birthday, Amazon had a Radio Flyer tricycle on sale for $20 with free shipping. What a deal! So, we ordered it and thought it would be here just in time. Well, not quite...the tricycle finally arrived this week! Amazon kept sending Will emails saying the order had not yet shipped and asking if he wanted to cancel. He held strong and Emerson finally has her red bike!
Will had a great Father's Day as the daddy of two little girls! We headed to Albemarle early Sunday morning so Will could play golf with his dad and brother. Emerson, Sydney and I hung out at Will's parent's house with Jane, Shannon and Jackson. After nap time, we headed to the lake house to meet Will, Roger and Ben for dinner. Emerson and Jackson had a great time hanging out together. They were jumping into the little pool and spraying each other with the hose. It was a very fun day!
We survived our first overnight trip as a family of four over Memorial Day Weekend. We went to Will's family lakehouse on Badin lake for two nights. Saturday night Kevin, Mary and baby Henry came to eat dinner with us. Sunday the weather was perfect and we spent the day on the peir with Emerson playing in her pool and Sydney sleeping in her tent. Will tried out his dad's new kiyak and I was able to layout for a bit during Emerson's nap. Sunday night we celebrated Will's dad's birthday and Monday we had Matt, Melanie and their two boys Gavin and Cooper over for lunch.