Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I'm a Big Sister Now

We came home from the hospital three weeks ago today and Emerson is enjoying being a big sister! She likes to help feed "Baby Sydney," help change her diaper and is already bossing her little sister around! Although Emerson has tried to get attention with a fake cry a few times, we've been focusing on pointing out the special things she gets to do because she's a big girl, such as sleeping in her big girl bed which she's been doing now for two weeks! One of Emerson's favorites is that she can drink apple juice, but "Baby Sydney" can only drink milk! Sydney definitely enjoys having her big sister around. Her most alert time of the day is when Emerson comes home from school in the afternoons.

1 comment:

Brooklyn's Blog said...

Great photo and post, Nic! Emerson looks SO cute!!! I'm glad to hear about the "big sister" things she now gets to do. So happy for you guys! xoxo, Brooke