Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Emerson Turns Three!

Although we had been celebrating all weekend, Emerson's actual birthday was on Monday. I took her for a special birthday breakfast at Panera before going to school. That afternoon, I brought cupcakes to school for her to share with her friends and teachers. We wrapped up the day with swim lessons and a trip to Chick-fil-A for dinner. We officially have a three year old now!

Emerson cooking in her new kitchen from Nana and Poppy!
From Emerson's 3rd Birthday!

Birthday presents from Mommy, Daddy and Sydney!
From Emerson's 3rd Birthday!

Enjoying her blueberry scone at Panera!
From Emerson's 3rd Birthday!

Emerson with Ms. Rosser and Ms. Hopes!
From Emerson's 3rd Birthday!

Cupcakes with her class!
From Emerson's 3rd Birthday!

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